February 9, 2025

It is fascinating. How could it not be? Trump is downright Shakespearean. To paraphrase a Times (of London) columnist, I am simply a shadow of the 20th Century wandering a new century into which I don’t quite fit or understand… like the last Victorians of the 1930s and 40s. It is disorientating to observe an old world order I and many millions of others believed in simply disappear, not to mention two political parties completely realign. I’d really love to take my family in a Time Machine back to the end of history (1990s).

No longer is etiquette important or must people mean what they say. Lying is now a patriotic embrace of free speech. No longer do allies take part in coalitions of the willing; they are mere client kingdoms who can choose to pay protection money to America or to China. I worry for Britain and Canada. But perhaps strong leaders will finally spring up there and rebuild militaries and their own ‘vision thing’. Perhaps years of American generals pleading with the UK to stop hollowing out her armed forces will bear fruit due to necessity.

I suspect America’s wealth and power will only grow under Trump, as it takes imperial charge of the western hemisphere. Much of my family in Britain did very well under Thatcher, even though they did not care for her rhetoric or nature. Those of us who know how to invest could do quite well under Trump. But no longer can America say Trump is a blip in history or an aberration. He now defines America and is the western giant of the first half of this century. His father wanted him to become an American king. He’s achieved that with the cooperation of the Supreme Court. Who knows… perhaps this will be what the history books say was needed to halt China’s expansion and bring Russia, North Korea, and Iran to heel. Though, I also suspect there is a Richard III ‘my kingdom for a horse’ moment coming… as it comes for all those with gross ambition. And perhaps when the boomers finally kick the bucket, the Millennial generation, exhausted by its predecessors, will vote for a gentler way forward.

The big question is will Trump in his need to be adored actually do something for working class people this time around? Or will he do little more than continue the construction of a US oligarchy, while wearing the cosmetic armour of a conservative culture warrior? If life becomes easier for the middle of the country, the history books are likely to be kinder to him than we’d think from our limited perspective. Saying that, I spoke with a Trump voter after the election and mentioned I was looking at new investments following the expected outcome. He simply responded with, “I don’t have money to invest.” I hope Trump makes his life better. I have my doubts.

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