January 22, 2025

THE RINKLY PINKS Story by DG WOOD – Illustrations by IM Cunningham


Here it is in time for Christmas… THE RINKLY PINKS.

“After the trains have stopped running, a clan of creatures emerges from the London Underground and hunts for dogs to race through the tunnels until the breaking of the dawn.”

I am so pleased to introduce the artwork of my young friend, IM Cunningham to the world. Our illustrated kids ebook is just $4.99 on Kindle/Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Rinkly-Pinks-DG-Wood…/dp/B08PHZBV7L

PANDEMIC. LOCKDOWN. Many of us in the writing community are under a tremendous amount of pressure right now. Finally complete that novel, screenplay, pitch doc, business plan…

But sometimes, the best ideas flow when we take the time we’ve been given for a lockdown to spend uninterrupted time with our families, walk along the river, reconnect with nature in the back garden, watch the movies that inspired us in our youth.

My daughter is a constant inspiration for me. She loves to imagine make-believe creatures are real and asks me, “What do they look like? Are they nice? Do they eat people? But are they nice, Daddy? Are they real?”

Well, Audrey, the Rinkly Pinks are about your size, their skin a pale pink from lack of sunlight. Their fingers are long with flat ends that grip the walls of the tunnels of the London Underground. They steal dogs that venture too close to potholes and the edges of train platforms and ride them like horses through the tunnels in the middle of the night. One such dog was owned by a little girl who knew nothing about the Rinkly Pinks. All she knew was her dog was in the tunnels. She could hear him barking, and she decided to go into the dark to bring him out.

Enjoy on your tablet, reader or smartphone.

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