February 23, 2025

My daughter took a big step in her brain development this summer. She saw a face in the clouds. Pareidolia is seeing patterns (like a face) in places characterized by randomness. In my daughter’s case, it was not a Death-Eater she spotted, but our dog, Simon, who passed away a year and a half ago. I told her he had gone to live with the angels. So, seeing him in the clouds was apropos.

This did get me thinking about how to explain death to child. My wife has told our daughter cemeteries are where people who now live with God leave their bodies. I dread the day it dawns on her that daddy will eventually deposit his own body in one of those stone gardens. Don’t even get me started on how to explain cremation.

But, as my little girl grows, I suppose I will try to communicate that death is at the core of being human. That living a finite existence gives meaning to life. It inspires empathy, ambition, impatience and risk. So much to do and so little time. Best make the most of it.

Then, to paraphrase the viral Scottish dad, I will explain how she will live with daddy until the day HE dies, and then go work for Jesus.

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