June 30, 2024

So, I had to reprimand my daughter for drawing on the couch with permanent markers. She didn’t mean to. The ink seeped through the paper. But, I have told her again and again NOT to use permanent markers when sitting on the couch. You want to be artistic? Do so at the dining room table. She just won’t listen. She’s what my grandparents called contrary. In the end, I simply had to throw away the markers.

Well, then it began! The hysterics. The yelling.

Daughter: “The Salem witches were treated better!”

Dad: “They were burned alive in front of their families.”

Daughter: “Jesus didn’t have to deal with this.”

Dad: “You do know what crucifixion entails, right?”

Daughter: “I’ll get the last laugh when you’re looking up from Hades.”

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