October 16, 2024

I learned about this whole “Plandemic” thingy rather late…mainly because I have been embedded in rewrites on a few projects that seem to be gaining traction. My head is buried in fictional worlds of my own creation. Plus, until 8pm, it’s Nickelodeon and Disney only in our household. I will state upfront I don’t believe in conspiracy theories. 9/11, The Great Recession (remember when the end of boom and bust was declared in the 1990s?), The Pandemic…all were not prevented because of the Titanic principle. We couldn’t imagine it sinking, so we didn’t prepare for the possibility. Anything that pointed to these events had left our collective memory with the death of most of the WWII generation, who had experienced such nightmare scenarios firsthand. Billionaires know how to make money under ANY conditions…that’s not a conspiracy. Closing down the pandemic response unit in the White House wasn’t a conspiracy. It was just incompetence. I will tell you this, though…The Deep State is definitely preparing us for 👽 invasion…and I for one welcome our new intergalactic overlords. I await with anticipation all those comments that begin with the words, “Well, they say…”

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