October 16, 2024

Right from the get-go, I need to make it clear I was never a big fan of Uncle Joe. I was a Pete Buttigieg supporter. I loved his philosophy on changing lives at a local level. Pete gets it that effective politics is local. Plus, he served in the military, which is more than Bone Spurs McGee ever did. I’d be lying if I didn’t acknowledge that staying up past my 9pm bedtime to watch Trump lose his mind over being bested by a gay soldier would have been an absolute treat. Surely, Mayor Pete could have found a way to wrap the word ‘suckers’ somewhere into his victory speech.

However, Joe said he would be a transition and a bridge. So, of course I voted for him in the general election. He was the path to sanity. The problem is, Joe lied. He had no intention of being a bridge. Like so many American politicians – Al Franken being an exception to the rule – holding onto power is the only endgame he is willing to consider.

I despise the fake folksiness educated men (and it’s almost always men) in positions of power use to appeal to the ineloquent masses. So, when Joe said he would be fine losing to Trump as long as he did his ‘goodest’, the Shakespeare student who lives eternal in me bristled. I don’t like the forced smile that belies a narcissism that puts personal ambition before country. That’s supposed to be Trump’s game. He does it better, and I deserve a better candidate than either man. I don’t like you punishing Britain for Brexit by not following through with a free-trade deal between the UK and US, Joe. And all because you think you’re serving the interests of long-dead Irish ancestors. My ancestors are Irish, as well, and I didn’t support Brexit. But Brexit was the democratic will of the British people. I helped punish the Tories last week for not making a success of Brexit and the Global Britain rebrand, as they promised they would. You had an opportunity to help your number one military ally when the chips were down, Joe. An ally, whom I might add, through agreement with Eire, is responsible for the Republic of Ireland’s air defence, as well as that of the United Kingdom.

My children’s future comes before any compassion that should be shown towards a mentally incapacitated, fragile, old civil servant. Amongst a population of 330 million people, one candidate who can’t hold a glass of water without using both hands and another who falls up stairs are now the only options to choose from. Is this how great empires fade away?

So, I say to all you self-serving Democratic congress persons and senators… put down the gold bars you’re counting in your walk-in closets and do the only sensible thing for self-preservation. Remove Joe Biden from office and give Kamala Harris the power of the presidency in her fight against Trump. In a time when working class people are openly questioning how democracy has served their families (and they have the right to do so), there is not a second to lose. As for actually serving democracy, I have my doubts that Democrats or Republicans are capable or willing. Let’s just get this hiccup out of the way and worry about the big stuff in January.

1 thought on “LORD ALMIGHTY. JUST GO, JOE.

  1. Joe surprised me on Sunday the 21st of July. He may just have saved us all from an era of gleeful retribution.

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